Klemens Award

The Klemens Prize is awarded every three years at the International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter "to honor people who have made longstanding contributions to the field of phonon physics." This tradition originated in 1986, and the name is attributed to the first award recipient in the Phonons Conference Series, Paul G. Klemens, who did pioneering work in thermal conduction and phonon lifetime.

Year Venue Awardee Contribution
1986 Urbana, USA Paul G. Klemens Thermal conduction and phonon lifetime
1989 Heidelberg, Germany A. C. Anderson Superfluid He and He3
1992 Ithaca, NY, USA R. Berman Thermal conductivity at low K-glasses
1998 Lancaster, UK Lawrence J. Challis Kapitza resistance, thermal conductivity
    Wolfgang Eisenmenger Heat pulses, phonon focusing...
2001 Hanover, NH, USA Alexander A. Kaplyanskii  
2004 St. Petersburg, Russia     Harold W. de Wijn Phonon amplification in Ruby
2007 Paris, France Humphrey Maris He, phonon focusing, Ps acoustics...
2010 Taipei, Taiwan James P. Wolfe Phonon focusing
2012 Ann Arbor, MI, USA Manuel Cardona Raman Scattering
2015 Nottingham, UK Tsuneyoshi Nakayama Theoretical contributions to phonon physics
2018 Nanjing, China Bernard Perrin GHz-THz phonon propagation and interaction


Klemens Award 2023

The International Steering Committee is happy to announce that Professor David Cahill, from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is the recipient of the prestigious Klemens Award for his remarkable contributions to the field of nanoscale thermal transport.

David Cahill

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